Sustainable Development Global Goals.logo for sustainability goal number 4.7.

The webinar series Implementing sustainability at universities is now finished – at least for the spring 2021. The four webinars discussed how we can implement sustainability at universities in respect of teaching, research and campus greening.

The whole series can be watched on Baltic University Programme’s youtube channel.

The webinar series arranged by BUP Finland together with Baltic University Programme was popular, with ca a hundred participants in each webinar. There are plans on arranging more webinars in the autumn 2021 related to the same theme, education for sustainable development (ESD).

The speakers where Arjen Wals, Professor Transformative Learning for Socio-ecological Sustainability, Wageningen University, the Netherlands, Shepherd Urenje, Specialist in teacher education at SWEDESD – Swedish International Centre of Education for Sustainable Development, Uppsala university, Sweden, Ulrika Persson-Fischier, Manager of Uppsala School of Entrepreneurship and researcher in Sustainable Destination Development, Sweden, and David Kronlid: Associate professor of Ethics and senior lecturer in didactics, Uppsala University, Sweden.

The webinar series is part of the programme of the Year of Research-Based Knowledge 2021, a national project in Finland to gather actions and events into a programme that gives a comprehensive view of research-based knowledge.

A circle with the text Year of research-based knowledge 2021.