Baltic UNiversity Programme

  • cyanobacteria seen on the Baltic Sea.

Call for Papers: Understanding environmental change

2021-09-06T07:20:42+00:00June 15th, 2021|News, Research|

CALL FOR PAPERS Understanding environmental change: Creating integrated knowledge of the Seas of Norden and Arctic Editors: Savitri Jetoo, Silja Laine, Otto Latva, Jaana Kouri and Anna Törnroos-Remes. The current global environmental crisis can be traced to the relationship of humans with the environment. Problems such as land use changes, overfishing and eutrophication are further compounded by the effects of climate change. The sea and coastal areas are especially vulnerable to these stressors, which can be characterized as wicked problems. These wicked problems facing the seas of Norden and the Arctic, that is the Norwegian, Barents, Greenland and Iceland Seas [...]

  • Flooding.

Online event: How to make cities more resilient?

2021-05-13T09:56:59+00:00May 13th, 2021|Events, News|

The CASCADE project brings together civil protection specialists and climate change adaptation experts to build resilience in the Baltic Sea Region. The project aims to improve the capacity to understand, assess, and treat current and future climate change related risks on the local level, focusing on the particular conditions in the Baltic Sea Region. The project has now come to the point where it is time to present the results. Welcome to the online event How to make cities more resilient? – Results and recommendations from the CASCADE project. Time: Tuesday, 8 June 2021 at 10.00-13.00 (CET) Agenda: Risks related [...]

  • Photo collage.

Reunion of the BUP Teachers’ Courses 2017–2020

2021-03-31T12:35:32+00:00March 31st, 2021|For teachers, News|

The core of the teachers’ courses has been the work called The Change Project. I.e. reshape a currently existing course or study program towards the concepts of the Sustainable Development Goal #4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. The online reunion of the BUP Teachers’ Courses 2017–2020 arranged on March 23–24, 2021 gave a chance to share experiences and best practices with the BUP colleagues and on the same time inspire for future work and communication. We were happy to hear about the progress and challenges from 28 Change Projects, and will plan [...]

  • Bikes parked outside a modern apartment residential buiding.

The webinar series Implementing sustainability at universities available on youtube

2021-03-15T15:12:48+00:00March 15th, 2021|For teachers, News, Research|

The webinar series Implementing sustainability at universities is now finished – at least for the spring 2021. The four webinars discussed how we can implement sustainability at universities in respect of teaching, research and campus greening. The whole series can be watched on Baltic University Programme's youtube channel. The webinar series arranged by BUP Finland together with Baltic University Programme was popular, with ca a hundred participants in each webinar. There are plans on arranging more webinars in the autumn 2021 related to the same theme, education for sustainable development (ESD). The speakers where Arjen Wals, Professor Transformative Learning for [...]

  • Bookshelves in library.

The BUP Award 2021 is open for nomination

2021-03-09T09:29:58+00:00March 9th, 2021|News|

The Baltic University Programme (BUP) PhD Award for best thesis, supports high quality research promoting sustainable development in a Baltic Sea region context. The award is established in two research areas, one award for each area: Natural Sciences, Technology and Engineering. Social Sciences and Humanities. The Baltic University Programme PhD Award is a distinction given to the author of what is judged to be the most qualified PhD thesis, defended at any of the BUP Participating Universities. The thesis will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria: inter-/multi disciplinary approach novelty (the quality of being new and unusual) [...]

  • Bikes parked outside a modern apartment residential buiding.

Webinar series: Implementing sustainability at universities

2021-02-24T10:40:31+00:00February 16th, 2021|Events, For teachers, News|

How can we implement sustainability at universities in respect of teaching, research and campus greening? Baltic University Programme (BUP) is organizing a webinar series where these topics are discussed. The main target group for the webinar series is teachers in higher education, especially within the BUP, however the webinars are open for everyone interested. Each webinar is arranged at 14–15 CET. The programme: 08 December 2020: Arjen Wals, Professor Transformative Learning for Socio-ecological Sustainability, Wageningen University, the Netherlands. 12 January 2021: Shepherd Urenje, Specialist in teacher education at SWEDESD – Swedish International Centre of Education for Sustainable Development, Uppsala university, [...]

  • Stones along the seashore.

Take part in a photo competition for the Baltic Sea

2021-02-23T10:36:58+00:00January 26th, 2021|Events, News|

The Seaher research project arranges a photo competition with the Baltic Sea as theme. Do you live or recreate in the Baltic Sea Region? Is the Baltic Sea changing and has this affected your activities in relation to the Sea? Answer these questions in the way you see it through your camera and understand it with your own words, through your living experiences with the Baltic Sea. Stay open to your ideas of all forms of actions and experiences, modes of doing and ways of being, or skills and knowledge related to coastal areas and archipelago of the Baltic Sea. [...]

  • A group of students.

Call for BUP student ambassadors 2021

2021-02-12T12:10:02+00:00January 22nd, 2021|For students, News|

The BUP Coordinating Secretariat calls for students and PhD students at BUP participating Universities, who are interested in becoming Student Ambassadors 2021. The Baltic University Programme aims to develop its communication and cooperation strategy with each of its 89 participating universities all over the Baltic Sea Region. As students and PhD students make up a large part of the target group, BUP is now establishing a BUP Student Ambassadorship. This new position functions in addition to the BUP Student Representatives and the Student Parliament. The role of Student Ambassadors will be to, on the one hand, cooperate with these other [...]

  • BUP's logo.

BUP is hiring students or PhD students for digitalization project

2021-01-22T13:49:57+00:00January 21st, 2021|For students, News|

Would you like to work extra on the side of your studies, digitalizing lectures and developing interactive online courses? Baltic University Programme is hiring e-tutors for it's digitalization project. The applicant needs to be a student or PhD student at a BUP participating university, with the intention of maintaining the status as a student/PhD Student for the full year of 2021. The work as an e-tutor involves assisting researchers and university teachers concerning the digitalization of course materials for the project Baltic Sea Region Climate Change Curriculum and the BUP module pool. Check out the detailed information on BUP's web [...]

  • Blue image with text Space Bridges 2.0. 30 years with Baltic Sea Environment .

Revisiting BUP’s past through on-line seminars

2021-01-27T15:12:15+00:00January 13th, 2021|Events, News|

In 2021 we revisit Baltic University Programme's past with a series of on-line seminars. The series is called Space Bridges 2.0. In the 1st session of the seminar series, focus is on the post-Cold War environmental development of the Baltic Sea. Among others Assistant Professor Anna Törnroos-Remes from Åbo Akademi University will participate in the programme. Date and time: 28 January 2021, 14.00-17.00 (CET) Host: Södertörn University, Sweden Programme: Welcoming notes and the "Baltic University Programme 30 years" - Assoc. Prof. Madeleine Granvik. 14.15 How the BUP started, discussion with former BUP director - Prof. Emeritus Lars Rydén. 14.30 Changes [...]

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